donderdag 31 januari 2013

Supergoof Trunkshow

Earlier today I went to the Ingrid’s (Supergoof) trunkshow at the Hertog-Inn Bed &Breakfast run by Karen.

Unfortunately it was raining outside, so no outdoors pictures, but inside it was cosy and warm and after a good cup of coffee (and sweet treats for the other ladies, I declined, watching my weight at the moment), we were ready for Ingrid, her quilts and her stories.

The quilts were patiently waiting in baskets….

And one by one, Supergoof showed her quilts and told the stories behind them:


The famous Klosjes quilt that started a klosjes craze in the quilt world

Her Dear Jane quilt

Her thimble quilt, 6552 (!)tiny thimbles, this one started another craze in the quilt community

Some great fabrics in there!

So many tiny pieces in this one

Lovely labels

What a wonderful pile of quilts!

And this is one of the things that she is working on now.  There were many more quilts and just in case you didn’t know this yet, she does everything by hand, patchwork, applique, broderie perse and quilting,  e v e r y t h i n g !

Dorry was there as well with some goodies from her shop, this is how nice it looked before we all went shopping J !

And we were well looked after by Karen in the lovely kitchen of her Bed and Breakfast, look what we saw there….ahhhhhh……Aga!!

Ingrid, it was great to see you again, listen to your stories, see and touch your quilts again (soooo soft) and Karen, can’t wait to come here again to one of your Quiltcafedays!


11 opmerkingen:

  1. Lovely photos Phyliss, I would have loved to have gone!! I am a big fan of Ingrid's, love her quilts, blog and how talented she is. I am glad you had a wonderful day, thanks for adding these great pictures. Have a nice weekend, Ann

  2. How wonderful! I would have been star struck, she makes such beautiful quilts.:) Thanks for sharing.

  3. Zie wel dat je weer genoten hebt leuke dag! Leuke fotos, leuk blogje groetjes and a nice weekend

  4. Heerlijk al weer de tweede 'quiltige' dag deze week! Echt genieten zo te zien!

    1. Wie zei dat ook alweer: "Het was me het weekje weer wel.."? Maar inderdaad, het was een heerlijke quiltige week!

  5. Leuk he, al die quilts. Ik heb ze ook al eens gezien en gevoeld. Die AGA is trouwens schitterend.

    1. Ik ben inderdaad ook al eens eerder naar een trunkshow van Ingrid geweest, destijds bij Dorry. Ik vind haar quilts en verhalen zo leuk, het was 'super' (om in stijl te blijven) om weer mee te maken. Als het aan mij ligt was het niet de laatste keer. Heel inspirerend allemaal.

  6. Hoi lieve Phyll, het was heel erg leuk om jou en Huub weer te zien. Ik word altijd vrolijk van jullie!
    Tot gauw!

  7. Wat heerlijk dat je hier bij kon zijn, lijkt mij erg leuk om eens mee te maken.


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