dinsdag 5 februari 2013

Giveaway: 50 Followers!

Over the weekend I noticed I now have 50 followers! Wow! Thank you followers and also everyone else who reads my blog and have not signed up as a follower (yet). I really appreciate it.

Apart from the creative side quilting is also a social activity for me, as is blogging. Both give me a lot of enjoyment and  I have met so many new, nice people through both.

Soooooo, to celebrate this it is time for my first Giveaway!

On Friday I will ask my DD to draw a name among those of my followers at that time, he or she will receive this handy book! A mini encyclopedia on quilting, always ready to answer any question you may have.  If you are not a follower yet and wish to participate, you can still do so.
(If you do not, not to worry, I am planning another little giveaway for everyone in April!)

On another note, DD and I have been busy this weekend making sushi. In this household we all love sushi and sashimi. Even Whopper seems to get more exited at the smell of fish than at the smell of meat in the kitchen. It was DD’s first experience at making sushi and she took to it like a duck to water J !

First on Saturday afternoon we went to one of the supermarkets in Chinatown and to the fishmonger nearby to get our ingredients.

Back home it was preparing the rice the proper way (for me the most difficult part, the rice has to be moist and sticky, it is easily either too dry or too moist, in both cases it will not be sticky enough), making the Japanese egg omelette and the Japanese mushrooms. We bought the seaweed salad ready made at the fishmonger’s.

And then – DD’s favourite part – putting the actual sushi together.

After that, the best part, eating it!

This is DD’s picture, she often knows how to get a different angle in a picture.

Until Friday!


17 opmerkingen:

  1. Proficiat met deze mijlpaal!
    Ben benieuwd naar de variaties aan sushi dit weekend!!! Wel gezellig dat DD mee bakt kookt vouwt aan de sushi.
    Succes en veel plezier met je giveaway.

  2. gefeliciteerd met de 50 volgers ga zo door
    leuk een give away

  3. Gezellig samen met dd koken, het ziet er heerlijk uit! Leuke give-away daar komen vast wat volgers bij van de week. Fijne dag knuffel Else

  4. Gefeliciteerd met deze mooie mijlpaal, en nog vele blogpostings erbij.

  5. Hmmm die sushi ziet er heeeeerlijk uit! Leuk zo'n give away!

  6. Oh that sushi looks superb - and it is dinner time here!
    Congratulations on 50 followers - will soon be more I am sure :)

  7. Hele mooie foto van jullie sushi, kan zo in een culinair tijdschrift! En wat leuk een give away ter ere van je 50e volger!

  8. Prachtige foto's! Weet je dat ik nog nooit sushi heb gegeten?

  9. Mmmmm sushi. Eten we eigenlijk te weinig; zeg maar bijna nooit. Zit gewoon niet in het systeem zeg maar. Maar lekker is het.
    Gefeliciteerd met 50 volgers! E kunnen er nog een heleboel bij!

  10. Leuk he zoveel volgers. En die sushi zien er wel heel profesioneel uit zeg! Groet carina

  11. Heerlijk!!! Sushi.
    Gefeliciteerd met 50 volgers!!!

  12. Congrats on your followers! It looks very busy at your house!

  13. Proficiat met zoveel volgers. 55 alweer. Lekkere sushi! Groetjes Wilma

  14. Congratulations on 50 followers! What a fun and yummy day you've had. Your sushi looks fabulous.

  15. Hoi Phyllis!

    Proficiat met je mijlpaal aan volgers!

    Groetjes, Monique uit Kloetinge

  16. Congratulations Phyliss on 50 Followers! I am sure there are many more who also enjoy your blog.

  17. Gefeliciteerd met je 50 volgers!!!
    Mmmmm sushi, wat heerlijk!!!
    Leuk dat je een give away organiseert, doe graag mee!
    Fijne dag


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