woensdag 22 augustus 2012

On a diet? Look away now!

Earlier this week some girls of my bee came over for a day of sewing and trading holiday stories.
I thought I’d make them a real American treat,

Peach Cobbler!

I found some recipes on the internet and made my own recipe by mixing them up into one recipe and doing what was simplest (simplify, simplify, that is my attitude towards cooking), so here is my Peach Cobbler recipe.
I used American cup sizes, but if you don’t own these, I weighed the items,  the Dutch/European equivalent is in brackets.

Ladies on a post-holiday diet, look away now!
100 gr of butter
1 cup of sugar (190 gr), I used fine sugar
1 cup of self-rising flour (125 gr)
1 cup of milk (200 ml), I used low fat, because that’s what I had in the fridge
1 large tin of halved pieces in syrup (822 gr)
pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
Preheat oven to 190C/375F (I have a fan oven, if you do not you should probably heat your oven to 200C). Drain and slice up the peach halves. Put the butter in a glass casserole (the one I used is 18 x 28 x 5 cm) and put it in the oven for the butter to melt. Make sure it does not bubble or burn.
Mix the sugar, salt and the self-rising flour in a bowl with a (wooden) spoon, then slowly blend in the milk and the vanilla. Keep stirring until the lumps have gone, then pour this mixture over the melted butter, do not stir anymore! I know it looks really strange at this point, but it will turn out fine (also at this point you can see why you should stay well clear of this when you’re on a diet, allllll that butter & sugar!).
Divide the peach slices evenly over/in this mixture, sprinkle a  little bit of cinnamon on top and put it in the oven for about 30-40 mins. As this will be different with each oven so start checking after 30 mins how your cobbler looks. When it looks like the picture above take it out, leave to cool for a few minutes and spoon it out to serve in small bowls. It should be served warm and if you want to live really dangerously, some vanilla ice cream slowly melting on top of your piece of cobbler will be just the thing!

With the weather being nice to us, we had a lovely day working on our projects, in Anita’s case, showing the projects done during the holidays, honestly, the speed at which she is turning out quilts, she puts us all to shame, and her quilts are time and time again so original and colourful!
See who is trying to get everyone’s attention?!
Jantine talked about her trip to the Birmingham Quilt Festival, Hubertine worked feverishly on a  s e c r e t  project, Sandra stopped by with cute, cute Charlie, who has grown so much over the summertime! And Irma, Lilou and myself just chatted the day away….
It was great seeing each other all again, a nice kick-off for a new quilting season!

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Lekker receptje! Ik vind wel dat in Amerikaans gebak altijd zoveel suiker zit. Ik neem standaard maar 3/4 van de suiker die ze aangeven.
    Wat een mooie kleurige quilt ligt daar op de grond.

    1. Ik begrijp wat je bedoelt. In 1 v.d. recepten die ik zag stond ook 1,5 cup suiker, dus ik heb het inderdaad al verminderd. Die mooie quilt & de quilttop zijn van Anita, zij maakt zulke leuke quilts. En zoveel!

  2. Dat ziet er gezellig uit!! En inderdaad, ben weer op dieet, zucht.

    Groetjes Debby

  3. Ik ga de Peach cobler zeker proberen Phyllis, ziet er heerlijk uit!
    Fijn dat de Bee's weer beginnen zo na de vakanties, wij zijn vanavond ook bijna weer compleet! Het ziet er gezellig uit op jullie Bee met die kleurige quilts!

  4. De cobbler was hééééérlijk!!!!! Ik ga het zeker thuis ook maken!
    Mijn secret-project is bijna klaar, en dan gaat ie naar plaats van bestemming. Ben benieuwd. Heb op de bee dan ook heel hard gas gegeven; rechte banen en ondertussen luisterend naar de vakantie verhalen. Was gezellig en lekker!

  5. I am going to make your recipe Phyliss, it looks absolutely delicious.
    Lovely pictures of your sewing day, the weather looks warm!

  6. Het was heel gezellig, jammer dat ik niet de hele dag had, maar dat komt snel ;-). Die Charlie was echt om te knuffelen en je cobbler voor herhaling vatbaar (laten we dat maar bewaren voor een feestje...)


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