zaterdag 9 juni 2012

A disappointing evening ...

We were ready for it…. an evening of football, the first game of our national soccer team in the European Championships.
Appropriate food was called for! We usually do not fry food at home, so yesterday we dug out our frying pan from the garage, cleaned it (big job after about 2 years in the garage!) and bought new fat to put in it.

And earlier today we went to our favourite butcher to buy some of their famous croquettes and ‘bitterballen’ .

So we got everything ready, the pan in place, the croquettes and bitterballen defrosted, the telly on. We heard the national anthems being played and saw the players walk on the field.

So I plugged in the frying pan at the moment of kick-off….. it short circuited switching of all the electricity in our house and the telly turned black!

Electricity was frantically restored and I was off to the Chinese for a take away! One positive point: I was never back so quickly with our food, I was the only customer there!

It was a disappointing evening in more ways than one…. this is the mood after the game .....

Hopefully things will work out better next Wednesday, both for our national soccer team and a new frying pan!


6 opmerkingen:

  1. Ohohoh, sorry hoor Phyllis, ik heb hard gelachen toen ik je verhaal las. Ik heb 't mijn man zelfs voorgelezen. Wat een pechavond, in alle opzichten.
    Gelukkig ging 't bij de Chinees snel......

    groetjes Heleni

  2. So sorry that Holland lost! Just found your blog and enjoyed seeing your quilting! What a lovely pup!

    Have a great day!

  3. Dat was dubbel pech gisteren, hopelijk kunnen jullie er nu wel om lachen. Laten we maar hopen op een herkansing woensdag, wie weet helpen de kroketten en bitterballen!

  4. Het was jammer voor jullie, maar wel een grappig verhaal. Ik zit te grinniken achter mijn PC. Gelukkig heb je aan het voetballen niet veel gemist. De foto van het hondje zegt alles over het voetbalresultaat.

  5. Oh,Oh, wat een pech! Het voetbal was al niet veel beter. Gelukkig is daar dan de chinees!

    Groetjes Debby

  6. So you are still going to buy a new frying pan?
    The picture of Whopper is great!


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